I hide my all pics in gallery wallet for some purpose i forgot to unhide the pic and get backup. Suddenly i format my phone and also SD card. When i reinstall gallery wallet see not in the pic. Give me suggestion how to get back my pic??
By mistake I deleted gallery vallet data... Plzzz do help to recover the same
8 personas Les Gusta
Martín Torres
ha dicho
más de 8 años hace
Se restauro todo como restablezca mis archivos ayuda
Sidharth Jamdagni
ha dicho
más de 8 años hace
I also deleted my gallery vault how can i bakuo my data
ha dicho
más de 8 años hace
I also deleted my gallery vault how can i bakuo my data
Marvin Marvin
ha dicho
en torno a 8 años hace
Desistalei a galeria vulpt que estava no cartão de memória que comprei mas era falso e devolvi o cartão todas as 160 fotos foram apagadas ou perdidas, Tem como recuperar essas fotos ?
Por favor me ajudem a recuperar essas fotos !
Grato !
Barbie Blaylock
ha dicho
en torno a 8 años hace
What is the solution?
Sandeep Kumar
ha dicho
en torno a 8 años hace
Hello sir,
Please help me. Today reset my phone and lost my all pic in galary vault. Please tell me how to do recovery my data.
1 Persona Le Gusta
Muhammad Zubair
ha dicho
en torno a 8 años hace
I want to see my older data which I lose in gallery valut ....
2 personas Les Gusta
Aradhya Pathak
ha dicho
en torno a 8 años hace
Please help me. I just lost my files in the gallery vault. Whenever i tried to open my files, it shows the encrypted file is missing.... I want these files back.. Please help. I m going to attach a screenshot below please have a look
2 personas Les Gusta
Aradhya Pathak
ha dicho
en torno a 8 años hace
Have a look at this screen shot and please answer me
neha patel
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