How to Recover deleted data??Old folder deleted so Recover. Old folder
1 Persona Le Gusta
Saurabh Tiwari
ha dicho
más de 8 años hace
Give my older 6months data
Bhavesh Gelot
ha dicho
más de 8 años hace
My personal data is lost please back up my data
Martín Torres
ha dicho
más de 8 años hace
Se restauro mi celular y se borró todo como recuperó mis archivos
Mohammad Usman
ha dicho
más de 8 años hace
I have uninstalled do not delete folder,and i also changed my device,how can i recover my photos
Sasin Prabhu
ha dicho
en torno a 8 años hace
Unknowingly I deleted my gallery vault _ do not delete folder.....So even though the pics r present in the folder as a file I'm not able to view it....Is there any way to retrieve my pictures back....Please do help me with a solution as those pictures are very important for me
Thank you
Sasin Prabhu
ha dicho
en torno a 8 años hace
This is how it is being appeared when I open my vault without the pictures being visible and if I click on to it it's showing like this
Dilip Balvantpatel
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