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Lost files/change email

I lost my files when i reformat my tablet even though the gallery vault files are saved in sd card. I unmount sd card before reformatting but still my files lost. Now i'm trying to recover it but i need to verify the gmail account. The problem is that, that gmail has been hacked. My question is how can i change the gmail account to recover my lost files? So i can surely secure the files in it.

7 Personen haben dieses Problem

Me sucede lo mismo y aún me sigue dando error de envío de correo de autorización
Lost photos nhi mil rhe h gellery vault se
Saya kehilangan file foto dan video...bagai mna saya agar bisa memngembalikkan nya lagi...setelah hp saya restart ke pengaturan pabrik...

i loss my file for f.picture

I love
I lost my file

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