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Please send me back my delete files

I accidently deleted manyfiles...please send it back to my email

27 個人 喜歡這個點子

I loss my oldest Gallery wallet

2 個人 喜歡這個
I uninstalled gallery vault by mistakenly without any kind of backup

一個人 喜歡這個
I accidently deleted manyfiles...please send it back to my email

一個人 喜歡這個
I uninstalled gallery vault by mistakenly withoutvany kind of backup please send tha idea of recovery

Guys, developers said that "We dont store any files on our servers, your mobile is only storage", so u can restore our files only from Google drive if u saved filed before, or backup file if u created one, if not i can't help u.

I am restart my phone images are delete please help me very important images
U can't restore it don't try
Why bro it's very important
Cuz your information is files on your phine, and if u lost them, u can't restore it, so sorry
Ok bro thank you
I accidently deleted manyfiles...please send it back to my email
I accidently deleted manyfiles...please send it back to my email

一個人 喜歡這個
Please contact me photos, videos and pictures delete to my email

一個人 喜歡這個
My old images delete please recover help

一個人 喜歡這個
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