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Please send me back my delete files

I accidently deleted manyfiles...please send it back to my email

27 orang menyukai ide ini

I loss my oldest Gallery wallet

2 orang menyukai ini
I accidently deleted manyfiles...please send it back to my email
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
lost my life please send me my all pictures my gmail
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
My old images delete please recover help
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
Please contact me photos, videos and pictures delete to my email
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
I accidently deleted manyfiles...please send it back to my email
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
I uninstalled gallery vault by mistakenly without any kind of backup
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
My old image video file's delete please recover backup now please

Guys, developers said that "We dont store any files on our servers, your mobile is only storage", so u can restore our files only from Google drive if u saved filed before, or backup file if u created one, if not i can't help u.

I accidently deleted manyfiles...please send it back to my email
I accidently deleted manyfiles...please send it back to my email
My old Video delete please recover help
Plz send me my lost file
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