Please help to restore file from cloud. Gallery vault is sync to cloud and can see the storage size. But not able to restore. Please help.
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} người "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
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buen día mire lo que me pasó es que mi móvil dejo de prender y tenía muchos archivos en la app, cuando cambie de teléfono abrí la misma cuenta en el nuevo pero ya aparecieron muy pocas fotos las demás como las puedo recuperar? el móvil anterior ya no prende
Udaya Thurai
Dear Sir /Madame,
I would like to inform you last 3 months I am trying to recover my Gallery Vault account, but could not able to do it.
Because I forgot my password as well as when I resigned my old company the email address also disable.
Please give me a way to open the file J
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