
How to Recover deleted data??

I hide my all pics in gallery wallet for some purpose i forgot to unhide the pic and get backup. Suddenly i format my phone and also SD card. When i reinstall gallery wallet see not in the pic. Give me suggestion how to get back my pic??

125 คน มีคำถามนี้

Help me my old data all delete
My old data delete plz halp me

1 คน ชอบสิ่งนี้
sudden itd I deleted plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz recover pic nd vedios nd data plzzzz

1 คน ชอบสิ่งนี้
메인보드교환후 앱확인하였더니 암호화된파일 찰을수 없다고합니다. 해결방법 요청합니다.
My all file delete and Cheng my new phone not show my all data

1 คน ชอบสิ่งนี้
Please recover my pic and video and data
Plzzz recover my all pics plzzz
i unhide my pics.. but it is nt vissible anywhere now
Have a look at this screen shot and please answer me

2 คน ชอบสิ่งนี้
Please help me. I just lost my files in the gallery vault. Whenever i tried to open my files, it shows the encrypted file is missing.... I want these files back.. Please help. I m going to attach a screenshot below please have a look

2 คน ชอบสิ่งนี้
I want to see my older data which I lose in gallery valut ....

2 คน ชอบสิ่งนี้
Hello sir, Please help me. Today reset my phone and lost my all pic in galary vault. Please tell me how to do recovery my data.

1 คน ชอบสิ่งนี้
What is the solution?
Desistalei a galeria vulpt que estava no cartão de memória que comprei mas era falso e devolvi o cartão todas as 160 fotos foram apagadas ou perdidas, Tem como recuperar essas fotos ? Por favor me ajudem a recuperar essas fotos ! Grato !
I also deleted my gallery vault how can i bakuo my data
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