Because of the limitation of GooglePlay, on Android 11 devices, apps must require "Allow access to all files" permission to access the files in the external storage. The permission was granted through a permission request dialog on the Android 10 and lower devices.

Here is the reason why CalculatorVault needs permission:

1. CalculatorVault stores the encrypted files in .calculatorvault_DoNotDelete_*** on external storage. By doing this, the encrypted files will stay there if CalculatorVault is uninstalled accidentally and after you install CalculatorVault again, CalculatorVault can restore the data for you.

2. CalculatorVault supports encrypting any type of files on your external storage. Without permission, it is impossible to add the files on external storage to CalculatorVault .

3. The backup and restore function also needs permission.

With this permission, CalculatorVault can only access the files on the external storage and your SD card, excluding the Android folder and the interval storage where the private data of other apps are stored.
And most important, the mission of CalculatorVault is to protect your private data, and we guarantee that CalculatorVault will not expose or delete your files without your permission.

And this is the official explanation:

Thanks for understanding.