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recover data by email

My device is damaged and my files in internal storage i want to recover data by email to other device

23 orang menyukai ide ini

My data is deleted so please give me my pictures and videos send by email please

6 orang menyukai ini
how to find missing video files

2 orang menyukai ini
Gallery vault in videos file attached please find videos please please

2 orang menyukai ini
How to recovery data by email plz tell me about it
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
Back up
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
How to recover image and video ...please tell me
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
Here I send photos
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
File saya hilang karena handphone saya direstar ulang mohon bantuannya
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
My lost filer are back
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
missing video how to recover
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
Мои видео пропали вышлите их или востановите пожалуйста
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
I can not understand your language
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
missing video how to rejoice
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} orang "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
Details later bekp
I want recover my all private data
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